My weigh-in wasn't as good as I had hoped it would be. At least I didn't gain. I lost .6 pounds this week. Not quite the pound I had on my goal. I still have a 2.4 total loss since re-joining WW. Now that the holidays are out of the way and the grandkids are back to school I can get my life back in order. The exercise room will be back instead of it being the kids bedroom, I can concentrate on eating healthier foods, and I can have more me time.
I am going to try and save some grocery money this month by cleaning out the pantry and freezer when I'm creating our meals. There's plenty of food to start me out with a pretty good menu. Near the end of the month I might have to be more creative to serve a healthy meal. I will try to only spend my grocery budget on fresh fruits, veggies and milk. When I restock my pantry it will be with healthy foods so I'm not tempted to eat things that I shouldn't have. Next month I am going to try to cook double meals so I can restock the freezer with healthy meals that I can pull out when I'm stuck on what to make.
This week's mini goal is to walk on the treadmill 4 times this week. I ended up walking on it a total of 4 times last week so I walked 1 extra day over my goal. I walked today so only 3 more days to make goal this week. I'm going to get the Wii out of the box and get it set up so I can maybe get a little exercise in by playing some of the games until I can get the Wii-Fit.
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