Monday, January 24, 2011

Finally out of the 180s

Great weigh-in this morning.  I lost 1.8 pounds bring me to a total 7.2 pounds in 5 weeks.  My goal to lose 1 pound a week is working and better yet, I'm out of the 180s.  This just proves that Weight Watchers works.  I'm going a slow pace, but I don't mind as long as the scale is moving in the right direction.

I walked on the treadmill 5 times so that is good.  I ordered my Wwi fit over the weekend and it's suppose to be here tomorrow.  I've heard so many good things about it.  One of the lady's at WW this morning said she got the Michael Jackson game for Christmas and it really gives you a work out.  She lost over 5 pounds this week.  This weeks meeting was all about getting up and moving. 

I did go to the store this past week and got some fruits and some canned veggies.  I heard about dump soup at the WW meeting a couple weeks ago and looked it up.  I made some and that's what I've been eating every day for lunch.  Lots of veggies and low in points.

I've been busy sewing so I've been sitting a lot this past week.  I get my walking in first thing in the morning so I don't have any excuses about not doing it.  It's done and out of the way before my day really starts.

Wish me luck for another loss next week.

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