Friday, January 11, 2013

Letter To Myself To Be Read In 2014.

 I just started following The Sisterhood of the shrinking jeans blog and there was a homework assignment posted last week to write a letter to myself reflecting what 2013 accomplishments I made as if I was writing it in 2014.  I am to link this blog post  here.   Here's my letter I wrote myself.

Dear Me,

  As I sit here I think back to a year ago and see all that I've accomplished.

* I continued going to Weight Watchers meeting every week no matter what.
* I continued to maintain my goal weight and actual lost more weight.  I look and feel great at 125.  Amazing what 5 more pounds can do.
* I started following a cleaner eating lifestyle.  I'm still not perfect, but I feel healthier.
* I continued to workout everyday and got to put a sticker on the calender everyday.
* I continued tracking my food in my journal and online.

* Since Ron's retirement I've enjoyed his company more.  He's much more fun to be around without the work stress.
* It was nice to be spontaneous with travel plans.
* It was a struggle in the beginning to get him on my eating schedule, but it finally happened.

Personal Life:
* I got to do a lot of gardening and made the yard look even better.
* The house is always so nice to walk into since I started following Fly Lady.
* I've kept up blogging even though it was hard to always find something to write about and no one but me was probably reading it anyway.

This has been a great year.   I'm sure next year will be even better.

Love, Me

1 comment:

  1. I read your post over at the Sisterhood site and came over to read your letter. Here's to a healthier 2013!
